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AngleMeasurementThis component allows users to measure angles in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
AreaMeasurementThis component allows users to measure areas in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
Civil3DNavigatorThis component provides functionality for navigating and interacting with civil engineering data in a 3D environment. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
CivilCrossSectionNavigatorThis component is used to navigate and visualize cross sections of a 3D model. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
CivilElevationNavigatorThis component is responsible for navigating and visualizing elevation data of infra/civil models (vertical alignments). 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
CivilNavigatorAbstract class representing a Civil Navigator. It provides functionality to navigate and interact with civil engineering data.
CivilPlanNavigatorThis component is responsible for navigating and visualizing plan data of infra/civil models (horizontal alignments). 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
ClipEdgesA component that can add fills and outlines to the Clipper. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
ClippingEdgesClass representing the ClippingEdges component. This is responsible for managing and rendering the edges of clipped objects.
ClippingFillsClass for managing and rendering the fills of a clipping plane.
EdgeMeasurementThis component allows users to measure geometry edges in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
EdgesPlaneA more advanced version of Clipper planes that also includes edges and fills.
EdgesStylesA class representing styles for clipping edges in a 3D scene.
FaceMeasurementThis component allows users to measure geometry faces in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
GeometryCullerRendererA renderer to determine a geometry visibility on screen
GraphicVertexPickerA class that extends OBC.VertexPicker to provide a graphical marker for picking vertices in a 3D scene.
HighlighterThis component allows highlighting and selecting fragments in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
IfcStreamerThe IfcStreamer component is responsible for managing and streaming tiled IFC data. It provides methods for loading, removing, and managing IFC models, as well as handling visibility and caching. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
LengthMeasurementA basic dimension tool to measure distances between 2 points in 3D and display a 3D symbol displaying the numeric value. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
MarkRepresents a marker in the 3D world.
MarkerComponent for Managing Markers along with creating different types of markers. Every marker is a Simple2DMarker. For every marker that needs to be added, you can use the Manager to add the marker and change its look and feel. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
OutlinerThis component allows adding a colored outline with thickness to fragments in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
PlansComponent to easily define and navigate 2D floor plans. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
PostproductionClass representing a post-processing effect manager for a 3D scene. It uses the EffectComposer from three.js to apply various post-processing effects. Thanks to this.
PostproductionRendererA class that extends RendererWith2D and adds post-processing capabilities. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
RendererWith2DA basic renderer capable of rendering 3D and 2D objects (Objec3Ds and CSS2DObjects respectively).
SectionsA component to create and manage arbitrary sections for BIM models.
ShadowDropperThis component drops shadows on meshes in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.
SimpleDimensionLineA class representing a simple dimension line in a 3D space.
VolumeMeasurementThis component allows users to measure geometry volumes in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API.


AreaSelectionRepresents a selection made by the user, containing area, perimeter, mesh, and label.
BvhLineSegmentsGeometryA line segments geometry whose BVH has been computed.
ClipStyleA style defines the appearance of the lines of the ClippingEdges for a set of meshes.
DimensionDataInterface representing the data required to create a dimension line.
EdgeThe lines that are drawn when the clipping plane cuts the geometry specified by the ClipStyle.
HighlightEventsInterface defining the events that the Highlighter class can trigger. Each highlighter has its own set of events, identified by the highlighter name.
HighlighterConfigInterface defining the configuration options for the Highlighter class.
IGroupedMarkersInterface representing a group of markers.
IMarkerInterface representing a marker object.
PlanViewThe data that describes a plan view.
PostproductionSettingsInterface defining the settings for the post-processing effects.
SectionThe data that describes a section view.
SerializedAreaMeasureRepresents a serialized version of an AreaSelection, used for saving and loading measurements.
ShadowRepresents a shadow object used in the application.
ShadowsRepresents a collection of shadows, where each shadow is identified by a unique ID. The keys of the object are the IDs, and the values are the corresponding Shadow objects.
StreamLoaderSettingsSettings for the stream loader.
StreamPropertiesSettingsSettings for the stream properties.
StreamedInstanceRepresents an instance of a streamed object.

Type Aliases

Type aliasDescription
CivilMarkerTypeRepresents the type of markers used in the CivilMarkerType class.
EdgesType definition for the Edges object. The Edges object is a dictionary where the keys are strings and the values are of type Edge. It is used to store and manage multiple Edge instances, each identified by a unique name.
IndexFragmentMapA map used to map the triangles of the clipping fill with the original fragment item. It's used to be able to trace to which elements a specific triangle of the clipping fill's face belongs (e.g. for highlighting an item when selecting one of its clipping fills).
LineStylesA type representing a dictionary of ClipStyle objects, where the keys are the names of the styles.
StreamedInstancesA map of streamed instances, grouped by their unique identifier.