AngleMeasurement | This component allows users to measure angles in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
AreaMeasurement | This component allows users to measure areas in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
Civil3DNavigator | This component provides functionality for navigating and interacting with civil engineering data in a 3D environment. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
CivilCrossSectionNavigator | This component is used to navigate and visualize cross sections of a 3D model. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
CivilElevationNavigator | This component is responsible for navigating and visualizing elevation data of infra/civil models (vertical alignments). 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
CivilNavigator | Abstract class representing a Civil Navigator. It provides functionality to navigate and interact with civil engineering data. |
CivilPlanNavigator | This component is responsible for navigating and visualizing plan data of infra/civil models (horizontal alignments). 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
ClipEdges | A component that can add fills and outlines to the Clipper. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
ClippingEdges | Class representing the ClippingEdges component. This is responsible for managing and rendering the edges of clipped objects. |
ClippingFills | Class for managing and rendering the fills of a clipping plane. |
EdgeMeasurement | This component allows users to measure geometry edges in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
EdgesPlane | A more advanced version of Clipper planes that also includes edges and fills. |
EdgesStyles | A class representing styles for clipping edges in a 3D scene. |
FaceMeasurement | This component allows users to measure geometry faces in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
GeometryCullerRenderer | A renderer to determine a geometry visibility on screen |
GraphicVertexPicker | A class that extends OBC.VertexPicker to provide a graphical marker for picking vertices in a 3D scene. |
Highlighter | This component allows highlighting and selecting fragments in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
IfcStreamer | The IfcStreamer component is responsible for managing and streaming tiled IFC data. It provides methods for loading, removing, and managing IFC models, as well as handling visibility and caching. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
LengthMeasurement | A basic dimension tool to measure distances between 2 points in 3D and display a 3D symbol displaying the numeric value. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
Mark | Represents a marker in the 3D world. |
Marker | Component for Managing Markers along with creating different types of markers. Every marker is a Simple2DMarker. For every marker that needs to be added, you can use the Manager to add the marker and change its look and feel. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
Outliner | This component allows adding a colored outline with thickness to fragments in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
Plans | Component to easily define and navigate 2D floor plans. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
Postproduction | Class representing a post-processing effect manager for a 3D scene. It uses the EffectComposer from three.js to apply various post-processing effects. Thanks to this. |
PostproductionRenderer | A class that extends RendererWith2D and adds post-processing capabilities. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
RendererWith2D | A basic renderer capable of rendering 3D and 2D objects (Objec3Ds and CSS2DObjects respectively). |
Sections | A component to create and manage arbitrary sections for BIM models. |
ShadowDropper | This component drops shadows on meshes in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |
SimpleDimensionLine | A class representing a simple dimension line in a 3D space. |
VolumeMeasurement | This component allows users to measure geometry volumes in a 3D scene. 📕 Tutorial. 📘 API. |